Friday, May 11, 2012

Table is Set

You have given birth to these children and raised them to be the best that they can ever be. Now here it is years later and they are all on their way over to once again celebrate Mother's Day with you and your good cooking.

You have cleaned the house and set the table. Everything is in its rightful place as it should be ready for their arrival. Will they surprise me with that salad bowl that I have been admiring so much that Steve has hand turned and finished with perfection? I do hope so but can only dream of it. It is certainly large enough to hold a huge salad for all of those times when they land on my doorstep and when they aren't here I can certainly use it to hold fresh apples, pears or oranges.
#572 Spalted Ailanthus Bowl
So now that you are reading this and have a small clue as to what your mom may want for this Mother's Day why not stop by us and pick her out one. You can even surprise her by filling it up with all the fresh salad fixings. This is just one sample of some of the hand turned bowls that we have. You can find various selections at all the locations we are at this weekend. If you need us to ship we can do that also. It won't arrive for this Sunday but remember there is always next Sunday at mom's house.
Until next we meet…take the right branch

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